The department has six well-equipped laboratories to run the Under Graduate programmes as per KTU syllabus and two add-on labs.
1. Circuits Lab.
2. DIC Lab
3. Communication Lab.
4. Advanced Communication Lab
5. Advanced Software Lab
6. VLSI & Embedded System Lab
Circuits Lab
This lab is well equipped with DSOs ,Function Generators ,Power Supplies and sufficient electronic components required to implement various electronic circuits
Digital Lab
This lab is well equipped with digital trainer kits together with DSOs and Function Generators. Almost all digital ICs to assemble various digital circuits are available in this lab. In this lab students get a strong understanding of Digital Electronics (Boolean Algebra, K-Map reduction, familiarization of Logic gates, Adders, MUXs, DEMUXs, Encoders, Decoders, Flip-flops, Counters, Registers and Alphanumeric LED displays)
Communication Lab
This lab is well equipped with DSOs, Function Generators and computers with required softwares to simulate various communication circuits.The fundamental concepts of different analog and digital communication systems by means of different experiments.
Advanced Communication Lab
This lab is well equipped with Microwave benches and Optical trainer kits to familiarize advanced communication technologies
Advanced Software Lab
This lab is well equipped with sufficient computers with advanced softwares like MATLAB,PYTHON,Xilinx,Kiel ,Proteus etc.
VLSI &Embedded Lab
This lab is well equipped with sufficient computers together with FPGA kit, DSP kit, Universal Programmer
Add-on labs.
R & D Lab
Department provides plenty of opportunities to research minded students to sharpen their research skills. The purpose of this research lab is to find problems,discuss and create solutions
Fab Lab
A fab lab (fabrication laboratory) is a small-scale workshop offering (personal) digital fabrication.A fab lab is typically equipped with an array of flexible computer-controlled tools that cover several different length scales and various materials, with the aim to make "almost anything". This includes technology-enabled products generally perceived as limited to mass production. A Fab Lab is a technical prototyping platform for innovation and invention, providing stimulus for local entrepreneurship.
The Electronics & Communication Engineering Department library consists of a wide collection of materials like text books, reference books, project reports, seminar reports. The collection also consists of previous years university question papers and short term course notes. The library caters to all academic and advanced research information needs to the staff and students of the department