To address the vision and mission, the following PEOs have been identified.
PEO1:Conceptual and Technical Knowledge and its Application
To enable students to apply knowledge of management concepts and modern techniques in
distinct areas of business.
PEO2: Professional Skill Development
To equip students with professional skill sets in order to confidently take up managerial
responsibilities and adapt quickly to rapidly changing business environment.
PEO3: Analytical and Critical Thinking
To sharpen analytical and critical thinking abilities so as to understand real-world business
situations and design workable solution to complex business problems.
PEO4: Entrepreneurship and Lifelong Learning
To hone entrepreneurial skills by engaging in research and innovation and promote lifelong
learning in advanced areas of management.
PEO5: Inclusive Leadership
To prepare students to become inclusive leaders who adapt quickly to diverse scenarios
upholding equity, personal integrity, ethical sensitivity and social responsibility.
PO1:Apply knowledge of management theories and practices to solve business problems.
PO2: Foster Analytical and critical thinking abilities for data-based decision making.
PO3: Ability to develop Value based Leadership ability.
PO4: Ability to understand, analyse and communicate global, economic, legal, and ethical aspects of business.
PO5: Ability to lead themselves and others in the achievement of organizational goals, contributing effectively to a team environment.
PO6: Ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives
PO7: Ability to use qualitative and quantitative research methods to solve business problems and to address social issues and problems effectively.
PO8: Ability to apply modern technology and tools in business.
PSO1: To impart necessary management knowledge and skills and enable students to apply the same to solve complex business problems.
PSO2: To develop management professionals with ethical values and social commitment who benefit the society at large.