Naval Architecture and Ship Building
Naval Architecture and Ship Building
Naval Architecture and Ship Building


B.Tech Admission

The department provides all facilities required for B.Tech Naval Architecture and Ship Building as well as for the overall development of students.

Lab Facilities

Fluid Mechanics Lab

Ship Design Lab

Marine Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Machines lab

Strength of Materials Lab


Measurements lab

Welding and Machine Tools Lab

Fluid Mechanics Lab

Fluid Mechanics is the branch of Physics which with the study of all fluids under static and dynamic situations. The Fluid Mechanics laboratory is designed to examine the properties of fluids and to conduct experiments involving both in compressible and compressible flow. Facilities are available for investigating the fundamentals of fluid statics as well as kinematics and kinetics of fluid flow to enhance the hands-on experience of our students.

Ship Design Lab

The research activities within the Ship Design and Operations lab (Ship Lab) focus on the design and behavior of the ship in an offshore maritime operation environment. The facility is specially designed to provide knowledge on design model for ships and its simulation.


Marine Hydrodymanics and Hydraulics Machine Lab

In this course the fundamentals of fluid mechanics are developed in the context of naval architecture and ocean science and engineering.The Marine Hydrodynamics And Hydraulic Machines laboratory is equipped with a number of equipment and experimental setups to study the fundamentals and applied aspects of ship hydrodynamics and hydraulic machines.


Strength of Materials

Demonstrating the basic principles in the area of strength and mechanics of materials and structural analysis to the undergraduate students through a series of experiments is the objective of the strength of materials lab.



This lab aims at familiarizing the students with the use of Computer Aided Design and Analysis Software, Finite Element Analysis, related software and various commands associated with it.


Measurements Lab

Real science requires verifiable processes, and Measurements lab welcomes scientific collaboration and scrutiny. This is why all of the data collected by Measurements lab’s global measurement platform is openly available, and all of the measurement tools hosted by Measurements labs are open source. 


Welding and Machine Tools Lab

Machine tool laboratory provides an opportunity to the students to learn and perform various operations on lathes. This laboratory also has different types of welding machines. The laboratory helps us to perform various operations on metal such as drilling, turning,grinding, etc.




Dept. Gallery


Dept. Gallery