Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering

Profile Details


Dr. Deepak P.
Head of the Department

Dept. NameElectronics and Communication Engineering
DesignationHead of the Department
Edu. qualification PhD, ME,BE,DBME,
SpecializationComputer and Communication
Area of InterestDigital Image Processing, Computer network, Communication, Research interests include bringing automation in the agricultural tools and in the design of disposing the biological waste using electronics techniques.
Previous Acadamic Experience

3.7 Years, 1999 August to 2003 March, Govt. Polytechnic College , Kumaly

Previous Industrial Experience

6 Months, Blubel Medical Electronics, Delhi



Publications with Impact



Computer Network


FDP on Robotics and Deep Learning Techniques- February2020

FDP on Outcome Based Education-March 2023

National Seminar on ‘Importance and Implications of NEP 2020 in Higher Education’ - March 2023

Workshop on strategic planning and outcome based education March 2023

Conference Presentations



He was awarded a certificate of appreciation from Arabian Company for Ceramics, Saudi Arabia for his contribution in the design of Electronic Toilet in the year 2019.


IEEE Branch Cousellor2 008 to 2016., ISO certified Auditor, Department coordinator for ISO, Department Criteria coordinator for NAAC & NBA, HOD


He was a member of IEEE and served as the Branch Counsellor to SNGCE from 2008 to 2016

Other Info

 preparing a proposal to the Govt. of India to use a new weapon using RF energy at national borders.